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the editing notes

A space to share all the BEST NUGGETS – From cool tips, tricks, updates and real life scenarios within the editing post production scene. Whether your a fellow photo editor or a photographer, take a browse to get inspired and learn a new trick or two.


Hi, there!


I'm Nina!

I'm a multi-disciplinary creative, who served as a photo editor, color specialist and graphic designer for close to two decades in the 9-5 space. I was blessed to work with some of the top retail brands. Creating amazing design projects and working with high luxury accessories, such as Hermes, BUT seasons change, wants change and so do we. I wanted more and knew it wasn't the journey for me anymore, so I packed up my cubicle, talents and experience to make an impact in other creative's businesses and lives.


I've had a lot of support along the way and have learned from some of the most talented artists and I am obsessed with paying it forward. It's all about community and lifting each other up.


I am so grateful you are here! Always cheering you on, Friend!

Let's cheer each other on!  follow me -

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